I'm starting to get a lot of requests for advanced review copies (ARCs) for Scorched which is super exciting! Problem is: I don't personally have any review copies to give out. They're all at Sourcebooks HQ, guarded carefully by a hungry dragon.
OK I'm not entirely sure that last part is true. But it IS true that Sourcebooks has all the ARCs. And you have to bribe/beg/plead/offer your first born child THEM not me if you want to score a review copy.
The request can be made to: publicity@sourcebooks.com.
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See something missing here? Someone actually STOLE the last Scorched ARC from the display at TLA this past week. Don't worry - we sent the dragons after them. They'll soon repent for their crimes... |
That said, there are a few events coming up where I will be signing ARCs and that's another way to get yourself a copy. I did two in the last two weekends and will be dong two more in June. The first is at BEA (The Book Expo of America) in NYC Friday May 31st at 3pm. The second is ALA (The American Library Association) conference in Chicago at the end of June. Not sure signing date/time for that one yet, but I'll post it when I have it. A lot of bloggers go to these events and it's a great way to score ARCs from all sorts of authors.
Another question I get: will it be on Netgalley. The answer is...yes...but not as a free-for-all. You'll have to put in a request once it's up and Sourcebooks will make the final decision. (Again, I just write the books. And sign them when they ask me to.) My suggestion? Make sure your Netgalley profile is up to date and comprehensive. So you look like the professional blogger you are rather than someone just out to read a free book. :)
In the meantime, to hold you over, Sourcebooks has posted a link to the first FOUR chapters of Scorched. So go here for an extended sneak peek!
Thanks all! I can't wait until September--when we release dragons on the world!
I'll be looking out for giveaways as a way to beat the September wait.
That is also a good strategy! There's one going on at GoodReads right now in fact!
You should bring some ARC's to the YAB fest if you are coming that is.
I am coming to YAB Fest. Unfortunately I have no ARCs of Scorched. My publisher has them all. I will have Blood Coven books to sign! And Gamer Girl, too!
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