Friday, October 09, 2009

Or something more princessy?

Here's another wedding dress option. It's much more fancy than the first one I posted. It's also more fitted and the skirt is fuller. On one hand, I'd LOVE to feel like a princess and I'm sure this dress would do it. On the other, it's Texas, outside and hot. Is this too formal?



Empress Awesome said...

Oh my gosh, I LUUURVE it!!! Love love love. I've never been to Texas so I can't help you there, but I would say to get it. There are only a couple of times women get to be princesses, afterall.

Sierra said...

i like it, i mean who dosent want to feel like a princess? even guys do some times... BUT with the other dress ur like a princess ready to jump for action when needed. plus its roomy and you wont die of heat... so i would go with DRESS NUMBER 1!!!

Tiffany said...

I'd say..maybe a combo? the 2nd one, but the top part of the 1st one.

Oh, and are your Blood Coven books becoming manga? Or is it that just the japanese novel cover?

Amber J said...

It's beautiful and if you love it, then it is SO not too formal. It's your wedding and (hopefully) you only get to do it once. If you say all the guest have to come dressed in long-sleeve tuxs but it's not a formal event, then so be it! Do what you want to do. If that's the dress you love, grab the sucker up and don't even look back.

ezra said...

IT looks like a princess dress. it putty too, but it looks like it may be hotter then the other. there both cute