Thursday, November 30, 2006
New Book Deal!! :)
I have a new book deal and a new publisher!
Here's the official info, as posted in Publisher's Lunch.
Mari Mancusi's YA novel THE CAMELOT CODE, in which Merlin sends a sophomore girl back in time to meet the teen once-and-future-pre-King Arthur and have him spend a week in the 21st century only to have him Google himself, discover his fate and refuse to return, to Sarah Shumway at Dutton Children's, in a very nice two-book deal, by Kristin Nelson at Nelson Literary Agency (World English).
Translation rights:
Cool, huh? For those of you who read Sk8er Boy, the girl who stars in this book is Sophie Sawyer, a minor character from Sk8er Boy and the present day stuff takes place at the same high school, Sacred Mary's. So Dawn and Sean may make cameos as well and of course those mean girl Ashleys!
Of course the book won't be out 'til Fall 2008 - a LONG TIME from now! But in the meantime, there's always STAKE THAT! **grin**
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Interview on TeensReadToo
Check it out if you have a sec! :)
Stake That! Booksigning
On Sunday December 10th I'm doing a booksigning at the Barnes and Noble in Bellingham, Massachusetts. First and only December signing of Stake That!
Hope to see some of you there. :) Here are the details:
When: Dec 10th 2-4pm
Where: Barnes and Noble, 270 Hartford Ave, Bellingham, MA
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Three things you need to know
1) If you're a Buffy fan and have never read Jennifer Cruise's essay on "Dating Death" I highly recommend it.
2) My Veronica Mars obsession is out of control. I'll need a 12 step program for when I run out of episodes. What is it about that show that makes it so, so good?
3) Stake That! comes out ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!! (You knew I had to throw that in there, right?)
Monday, November 27, 2006
Weekend Fun
*** 8 Days til Official Release Date of STAKE THAT!***
P.S. You can go order it on Amazon now... ;)

I wore MY self out by finally finishing my Girls that Growl manuscript. I passed it into my editor today! Now I just have to sit with my fingers crossed, hoping she likes it!!!! :)
Hope you all had a good weekend, too!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I'm thankful for...
* My wonderful family and friends who are always supportive
* My sweet little dog Molly who lies by my feet when I write and never pesters me when I'm in the zone.
* My awesome new agent and my almost official awesome new book deal that I can't wait to talk about -- stay tuned on Monday for the big annoucement.
* The fact that my fifth book - STAKE THAT! - is coming out next week and that you're all going to run right out and buy it. (hahah -right? right?)
* All my readers who send me such wonderful emails and comments and make writing books more fun and worthwhile.
* The fact that I met my crazy deadline once again and completed Girls that Growl and that I actually like how it came out.
* Veronica Mars
* The fact that season 3 of the OC is FINALLY on DVD!!
* ski/snowboard season being is almost here!!
That's about it for now. What about you guys?
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Glass Houses
So if you're looking for something to read while you're waiting the last two weeks for STAKE THAT! to come out - I highly recommend you check this one out.
Here's what it look like. I originally grabbed it from the store because it had a cool cover and well, it's about vampires. :) It's published by JAM which is the same publisher as my Boys that Bite series.

Anyway, go forth and read.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Stake That! Street Team
What is the STREET TEAM?
The Street Team is a group of readers who totally get my books and want to spread the news.
What do I have to do?
That's easy. You sign up and I send you a free, autographed copy of STAKE THAT before anyone can actually buy it. You read it and then go and spread the word. Tell everyone what you thought about the book. You can post reviews, link to our site via your webpage/blog/My Space...whatever. Just get the word out there. Tell your friends, your IM buddies, your cousin twice removed. Tell everybody and earn cool prizes and stuff.
I'm in, where do I sign up?
Just drop me a line with your name, age, address, websites (such as a blog, My Spaces, ect) and tell us a little about why you dig vampire books. It's that easy. Then I send you an email with details about Street Team and an invitation to join our Super Secret Yahoo Group, where all the top secret stuff is talked about. Viola. See ya there.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Quick Update
I'm ALMOST done writing Girls that Growl. Should be passing it into my editor on Monday. It may be a little longer than I planned it to be, which is odd because normally I write short. But I'm happy with how it's coming out and really, that's all that matters!
I've been so busy lately writing that I haven't had much of a life so I have little to talk about. In fact, I've even had to cut down on videogaming. So sad! Oh well, the end is in sight. And it's worth it. Soo worth it.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
More cool stuff
"Mari Mancusi knows what she's doing--she was able to write just like a teenager, online slang included, and make the impossible seem real. "
"It includes all the things that make a book amazing: gorgeous vampires with accents, dangerous missions, and quite a bit of kissing. =]"
Sorry to keep posting reviews. I'm just excited when I hear what people think of the upcoming book and of course I want to share them with you. Especially when people like it. hehe. Cause, you know, sitting writing a book can be a very lonely experience. You wonder sometimes if it's really any good, if people will think it's funny, if the whole being an author thing was just a big fluke and you're really supposed to be digging ditches for a living, etc. Seriously, we authors are all crazy sometimes. :)
In the meantime I'm still finishing up Girls that Growl. And here's some top secret info. This will likely NOT be the last book in the series. Yay! I know what I want the title of the next one to be, but I can't tell yet. Grr... All these secrets, I know, I know. Sorry.
Anyway - gotta go write. I'll ttyl. :)
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Another cool review
They say it's "charming, witty, and snarky as hell." :)
Check it out if you have a moment.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Crack the Code! & Other Stuff
Check it out here. And if you figure it out I want to know! (Though Ally might have to kill you if you tell. hehe)
Just downloaded the new My Chemical Romance from iTunes. Very happy right now.
In just 13 days I'll be passing the Girls that Growl manuscript into my editor. Been working like crazy to get it done on time. But I'm really excited with how it's coming out. Wait til you see all poor Rayne goes through this time around.
Speaking of Rayne, Rumor has it I'm getting a copy of the final finished version of Stake That! this week in the mail. Can't wait to see it in the flesh. It's a bit like having a baby. Well, at least I think so, having never had a baby myself. :P
Lastly, I just heard that they FINALLY released Season 3 of THE OC on DVD. I've been waiting a million years for them to do that. Gotta run out and buy that ASAP! Figures they put it out now, when I've finally addicted myself to a new show (Veronica Mars)
Monday, November 06, 2006
Has anyone read Peeps?

Some of it is wayyy disturbing, but for some odd reason I haven't been able to put it down...
Friday, November 03, 2006
Stake That Review!
So I'm psyched cause I just got a kick-butt 5 Star review of STAKE THAT! from
by Mari Mancusi
Category: Paranormal
Age Recommendation: Grades 9+
Release Date: 12/5/06
Publisher: Berkley
Reviewed by: Sally Kruger, aka "Readingjunky"
Rating: 5 Stars
STAKE THAT! is Mari Mancusi's sequel to BOYS THAT BITE. Mancusi is back with fun characters, plot twists and turns, and humor any teen (or adult) will appreciate.The story of twins Sunshine and Rayne continues with the focus on Rayne's adventures. Mostly written in "blogging" style complete with comments at the end of the posts, Rayne brings readers up-to-date on the girls' vampire dilemmas.
In this second book, Rayne is faced with her new role as a vampire slayer. She's learning everything, from which vampires are which to the art of carving her own wooden stake. To complicate matters she must work with Jareth, a vampire
who makes Rayne's head spin.
Add to the adventures a love interest for the girls' mother, a dangerous, unknown vampire virus, and continued confusion about their absent father, and Mancusi once again grabs teen readers and has them begging for more.Fans of BOYS THAT BITE will not be disappointed with the direction the story is headed, only with the fact that they’ll have to wait for the story "to be continued"...
Yay! I love that review. And yes, there is another TO BE CONTINUED cliffhanger! Gotta get everyone psyched up for GIRLS THAT GROWL, after all!
Everyone have a great weekend. I'm off to go see (shiver!) Saw 3 tonight!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Yay cover art!
I can sooo not wait to show you!
But sadly, I can't. Not until they put all the other stuff on - like the title, my name, and the tagline. Only then can I post it. So you're all going to have to wait. Nyah, nyah, nyah!
But I promise you, it's a cover worth waiting for. Perhaps my favorite of all covers this far! And that's saying something.